School Leadership Team
Chris Tooley
Principal, SLT
Responsible for Whole School Strategy, Finances, Governance, Personnel,...
Responsible for Whole School Strategy, Finances, Governance, Personnel, Public Relations
Chris Woods
Deputy Principal and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, SLT
Responsible for Pastoral Leadership, Student Behaviour and Wellbeing,...
Responsible for Pastoral Leadership, Student Behaviour and Wellbeing, E-Safety, Attendance and Alternative Provision.
Helen Parfect
Assistant Principal , SLT
Responsible for Curriculum Renewal, Teaching and Learning, Professional...
Responsible for Curriculum Renewal, Teaching and Learning, Professional Tutor and CPD.
Janay Fehr
Senior Teacher and Innovate Lead, SLT
Responsible for I3nnovate, Digital Futures and Pupil...
Responsible for I3nnovate, Digital Futures and Pupil Premium.
Karim Marsaoui
Deputy Principal/Designated Safeguarding Lead, SLT
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Prevent and Mental Health...
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Prevent and Mental Health Lead.
Responsible for Safeguarding and Inclusion Leadership.
Tom Hunter
Deputy Principal , SLT
Responsible for Faculty Leadership, Data, Options, Assessments and...
Responsible for Faculty Leadership, Data, Options, Assessments and Integrate.
Rob Syposz
Assistant Principal and Head of Oakes College, SLT
Responsible for Human Sciences and Leadership of Sixth Form...
Responsible for Human Sciences and Leadership of Sixth Form college.
Anjuli Riley
SENDCO, Inclusion
Responsible for Inclusion/SEND and Deputy Designated Safeguarding...
Responsible for Inclusion/SEND and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.