We believe that homework plays a vital role in consolidating and extending learning beyond the classroom. We also encourage our students to lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle that includes opportunities for leisure activities including school based extra-curricular clubs. Our aim is that students are able to balance both leisure activities and homework tasks.
How will homework be set?
Homework will be set on Google Classroom which students can access using their school login and password. Parents and carers have access to the students’ Google Classroom homepage and individual subject tiles through ALIS.
Where will students complete their homework?
In their exercise books, submitted on Google Classroom or via another online platform such as Seneca or MyMaths.
What kinds of tasks will be set for homework?
Homework tasks will generally be linked to the topic currently being studied in class and might include:
- revise or learn subject content
- apply knowledge by tackling a longer task such as an exam style question
- undertake some independent research
- produce a creative response
- complete some preparatory work ahead of tackling a new topic area.
How much homework can students expect to receive?
Homework tasks may vary in size and challenge. Teachers will indicate the amount of time a piece should take and longer deadlines will be set for longer pieces of work. Generally, students in each key stage can expect:
Key Stage Three – weekly homework from English, Maths and Science and homework on a fortnightly basis from their other subjects. Homework tasks should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Key Stage Four – weekly homework for their core subjects – English, Maths and Science – and fortnightly for their option subjects. Homework should take approximately 1 hour for each subject.
How will homework be checked?
Homework will be acknowledged by the teacher in a range of ways and, depending on what has been set, may include:
- students sharing their homework tasks within a lesson or over a sequence of lessons
- a check of homework during the course of a lesson
- verbal feedback
- a test, quiz or assessment
- students to self or peer assess their work
- a presentation or contribution to group work
- work marked and strengths and targets supplied by the teacher